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Do you know how the Ancient Witches Learnt the Future?
Peer into the Minds of the Ancient
And see for yourself the fantastically
simple methods that have made
witches famous in their tiny villages
throughout the world for centuries...
For the better part of a thousand
years, those renowned for their
talents with divination were generally
people of limited means living on the
outskirts of society. Subsequently,
the tools we are most familiar with
today were not as likely to be
found in the possession of your
average village psychic. Tarot cards, while beautiful and highly useful in
the world of fortune-telling, may not have been available to everyone
skilled in the divinatory arts hundreds of years ago. Far more likely were
everyday items from the seer's home and items from nature. The following
book will help toeliminate much of the mystery surrounding these amazing
techniques used by our ancestors hundreds of years ago. Sign Up now
to learn the secret.
Learn to Divine Your Future
Like the Witches of Old!
YOU are the boss of your divination readings when you order this book. Don't
limit yourself to tarot cards or spirit boards. While bother are effective and
entertaining, they don't work well on the subway, or at the gym.
With Old World Divination, you will come to see how successful psychics
see the world with ordinary, mundane items providing the keys to the Universe! ,
Sign Up now !
This course contains sections to educate you on each of the following areas:
Propless divination methods like palmistry and phrenology are widely
recognized today, but they were merely the tip of the iceberg to
readers living hundreds of years ago. Indeed there were scores
of powerful divination methods with no tools or tools that were so
commonplace, no one could guess what they were used for. Items
from nature and the seer's household could be used to help focus
attention and provide much needed answers in a terrifying and
unstable world. You can use the same techniques to learn what the
future holds in store for you.
You can order the powerful techniques this rare new book to improve
your psychic abilities and even create a new level of confidence in
your life. However...
Old World Divination is Not Another
Tired List of Omens or Meanings...
Bare in mind, Old World Divination is not a book on omens or random
foretellings such as "broom fell; company's coming". Instead
the following passages should help you to learn to divine the future
when you choose to based on questions you ask or desires for general
information about your future.
If you want to improve your inner abilities with the "insider
secrets" to successful psychic readings...
Then order now! This book can help you to achieve all your goals if you are
and possess even the slightest inclination towards psychic ability.
If you are tired of the same old divination techniques blasted all over
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7iWorld Divination.
Sign Up Now! to Begin Learning the Most
Valuable Divination Techniques of Your Life...
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I want to help you...
For years lots of people have advised me to allow people to contact me through the Internet.My spell work generally takes up so much of our time that i waited...until a few weeks ago when i was able to help a nice lady living in Madrid. She had no way to contact anyone in my profession let alone someone with over 35 years of experience. A friend put me in touch with her and it seemed the modern age of communication was knocking on our door. It felt so good to be able to help someone so far away that i would never have connected with otherwise..
I have been a practitioners for a very long time. My specialty is rare and forgotten rituals for creating real change for my friends in need. I am the best at what i do.
The spells I perform require considerable time to complete. Every spell gets the same attention no matter who it is for. The ancient rituals and rare ingredients use are not easy for the average witch to afford or even find. I have studied and practiced the forbidden arts for decades to master the power of subtle and chaotic energies in the universe. You deserve the best, I am the best.I don't promise miracles.I deliver them. I have changed lives for people all over the world.
I have the experience to get the results you desire. I've cast literally thousands of successful spells. Think of how many you have cast for yourself and been successful with. I can and will help you as i have helped so many others who thought no one could. My prices are higher than some other practitioners because i get results.
A trememdous amount of energy goes into preparing and carrying out your spell. I take each and every one seriously. All i ask from you is that you be serious and believe in the results you will experience. Despite what you or anyone else might think, you DO deserve happiness. I want to help you get there. Please take the time now to be SURE you want REAL changes in your life before contacting me. Sorcery and necromancy may be a game for some, but it is not for a very special person like me. Know this is what you want.
I do not reverse the spells i cast--for any price! Only charlatans do that. I am the real thing. Whether is it money or love or beauty or success that you need, please be really sure you want what you ask for. I cannot accept money for reversals. Once a spell is set in motion you must be prepared to deal with success. Again, this is not a game. Know before you contact me that you've been warned to be careful what you wish for.
Your ritual will be performed on the three days of the full, black or half moons depending on your need. Most people begin to feel the change immediately, but know that each person and each life system surrounding you is unique and may require longer to experience the full benefits. From the time your ritual is complete to the time you receive results could take as long as two moons (two cycles of the moon--or about 55-65 days) from the time the spell is cast.
Once you have ordered your spell, I will ask you for minor information about you including your birthdate and some of your likes and dislikes that have relevance to the ritual process. I will send you a short list of questions after you have completed your payment. This information will be brief and easy to answer, however it is vital to success. Each person is different, and your ritual MUST be tailored to you in order for me to align the proper energies.

Third Eye Labyrinth: Psychic Enhancement -
If you are truly dedicated to expanding your natural psychic abilities over time and feel you are ready to take on the responsibility that comes with them, then you can participate in this ritual process to charge your energy centers and help you open your squinting third eye to its fullest extent. Learn to SEE what others can only dream about. Whether your innate psychic abilities manifest as future prediction, silent communication, touch communication or some other pathway, you can begin the process of awakening your psychic "eye" and train it to show you vital information about yourself and others that can help you make a big difference in the
True Love - Spells for true love are far more complicated than sex spells. To really make a person LOVE you, you need to be committed to a lifetime of connection. The bond for a spell is permanent no matter what happens between you. Of course there are two types of love spells that we can do for you. Specific love and Non-specific love. If you have a certain person in mind, there are ancient methods of making him or her need you more than they ever thought possible. You can also opt for an age-old ritual to make your ideal partner (who you may not even know yet) find you and give you the kind of passion you've been waiting for your whole life!

Lust & Sex - The lust spells of old held a passion that you just don't see in modern witchcraft books. Passionate sex needs to have a heat that you can feel. Don't waste time with mild spells that give only luke warm results when you can have the trembling heat of truepassion. Whether you are a man or a woman, let us help you change your sex life in ways you never dreamed of. Sex is only the beginning...The ancient rituals involve the use of spirits whose ONLY goal is fanning the flames of passion. Some know them as Djinn. Others know them as genies, however they are not the cute figures of myth and legend but powerful entities composed of fire and pure energy.

Wealth Invocations - Spells for money and wealth are very different and require a different approach in order to be successful. This spell is for wealth and has one serious requirement: you must cease gambling activities in order for it to be successful. Gambling in witchcraft is considered banishment and thus offends the spirits who provide wealth. Most practitioners do not see the difference between money and wealth spirits and therefore fail to help their customers over the long term. Wealth spells are far more difficult to cast because they involve the practice of allowing money to grow from itself. They also require time to manifest for the client, but their result is generally a more powerful change to your lifestyle than mere money spells can offer. The spirits who govern wealth are more powerful and more difficult to appease than simple money sprites. In order to invoke either you need someone with experience who knows their temperments and can convince them to help you create the future you dream about.

Beauty Invocations - Whether your goal is to deemphasize the appearance of a perceived flaw in your appearance or to enhance and bring out the beauty of existing features, the illusory magick of a glamoury spell can help to harness the awesome power of the spirits and to invoke the beauty energy around you wherever you go. What this ritual working is intended to do is harness your unique birth date information along with the energy of your national-ethnic heritage (i.e. the place you were born and your ancestry) and charge them within you to cast a glamoury of beauty energy around you wherever you go. While it is our view that true beauty comes from within, we also believe that glamoury magick (the aura of mysterious or elusive fascination or around a person or situation) can greatly enhance your confidence levels and make everyday interactions with others that much easier. Stop waiting for your confidence to change and take action to change it today! Quite simply, Beauty is power. Give yourself the confidence you have been seeking by taking control of that power now!

Bindings - A binding is any ritual that enables you to prevent a person or entity from committing some magickal or mundane act. If you suspect someone intends to harm you or your family physically (or just without magick) we can perform a binding ritual on your behalf to protect you. Bindings are also very helpful if you have a problem with a witch you suspect will cast evil magick against you or another person. Either way we can help you to bind the harmful person from doing harm against you. The most powerful use for a binding spell is in preventing a spirit from harming you.

Warding off the Evil Eye - The Evil Eye in among the oldest, most malevolent threats to the common man (or woman). The term Evil Eye refers to the blasts of dark energy people send to you--without realizing the tangible harm they cause. Unlike rituals which involve the conscious act of mobilizing and sending out a curse at someone, the Evil Eye is unconscious and can be far more destructive because of it. Think about it...is there anyone who really dislikes you? Anyone who hates you? If so you can bet that their Evil Eye is causing bouts of bad luck for you. Certain powerful rituals can make you impervious to the dreaded Evil Eye and even send the dark energy back at their source. Don't let your enemies strike you down with their harmful glares. We can make the Evil Eye blind to your presence for all time.

Protection - And while some people need justice, others need to be protected from it. We don't judge why you need protection. You may be innocent as the new fallen snow--or not. Our ritual workings can help you eliminate sources of danger whether they come from your enemies, evil spirits or natural disasters. Regain your confidence with a little help from the gods of Sumer. They have been around since the dawn of time and know every possible danger mankind has ever encountered. Let them help you change your luck and remain safe from whatever threatens you or your loved ones.

Hex & Curse Breaking - Curses are conscious acts that allow one person to direct harmful energy to another. Some curses (or hexes) are easy to break. Others are difficult due to a wide variety of factors. We sisters have over 40 years of combined experience breaking curses for our clients. We can change your luck and allow you to walk without fear of the dark magick of other witches. Stop being afraid of the destructive powers of others. Allow us to crack through the chain of events that leads to unhappiness and fear. We have laid curses for people when the need was just. Don't settle for a practitioner who knows nothing about curses. Witches who have never cursed can't possibly break one. We understand the subtle nuances of hexcraft. We can and will break even the most powerful curses and set you free to live without fear once again.

Self-Confidence - Invoke the spirits of confidence and courage with this ancient process and watch your negative feelings melt away. Gain the power to interact with others in the manner you were meant to. Reclaim the power you had as a child before the pressures of adolescence crept in with their unecessary doubts and fears. The power is inside you. Take it and create the destiny for yourself that you've always dreamed of.
Journal of Occult History
For at least the past twenty years there has been a growing interest in all aspects of the history of the occult sciences, especially astrology, alchemy, magic, and witchcraft. At present, however, there is no journal which acts as a forum for them. The Journal of Occult History is intended to fill this gap and provide a forum for scholars from a wide variety of disciplines to forward their subjects and expand the range of perceptions in this particular field.
1The journal is devoted to scholarly articles on all aspects of the principal occult sciences in history: magic, witchcraft, astrology, alchemy, divination, prophecy, Kabbalah, and Rosicrucianism.
2)There is no limit on chronological period. Papers on such subjects, dealing with the ancient world right through to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries will be welcome.
3)The journal will appear initially twice in each calendar year, beginning in Spring 1999.
4)The principal language of the journal is English.
5)All contributors will be asked to supply a brief summary of their article.
6)There will be a review section. All reviews will be in English.
7)There will also be a section devoted to the transcription of hitherto unpublished documents and/or the translation of whole documents or extracts of documents or published works which have not appeared before in English.
8)The possibility of an annual list of published articles in these fields is being considered.
9)The possibility of an annual supplement, separately published, devoted to translation or edition of texts, is being considered.
A journal of this kind will be very attractive for people over a wide range of scholarship, for example, history, law, art, religion, feminist studies, anthropology, mathematics, chemistry, sociology, and philosophy.
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Learn How to Tap the Enormous Power of Your Subconscious Mind |
You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.
This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.
This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fundamental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement.
In its simplest terms, it is called the "subconscious mind," although this is a misunderstanding because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences. |
Learn How to Influence People With Your Mind |
It has long been suspected that your right cerebral hemisphere, when in the alpha state, operates in a realm where time and space are of no consequence. What you think affects others... and what others think affects you!
It is rather like the invisible connection between the earth's magnetic field and every magnetic compass on earth. They are interconnected. If the earth's magnetic field were to suddenly shift then every compass in existence would swing in unison.
Likewise, if you suddenly move a magnetic compass, or any magnet for that matter, this movement will have a slight effect on the earth's entire magnetic field. Admittedly this would be so small as to be immeasurable but it would still be there. |
Discover the Advanced Secrets of True Magical Powe |
Magic is an ancient tool that is powered by the desire and drive to connect with the universe through nature and influence the surrounding environment. It is also a tool that is used to achieve one's goals and dreams. There are many different forms of magic and magical practices, but they are all connected by similar basic principals. Separateness is just an illusion or misconception. It is through the realization of this or the path to the complete realization of this truth that true magic power is attained.
This power is something that is always there. It permeates everything and is the source of all things. When we channel or claim this power, we are simply recognizing or realizing what is already there. The true realization of this power is not simply knowing about it. It involves accepting and understanding the truth of it on a much deeper level of the psyche. Our thoughts and emotions are patterns of energy and how we form those patterns determines how we utilize this source of power within our lives.
Unlock the limitless potential of your mind! Yes the millionaire's mind is yours with this simple secret! You'll be overwhelmed by your new-found powers to attract money from everyone around the world! (Financial independence has never been SO EASY!) Discover the most highly guarded secret of all times! Achieve absolute freedom! Yes, you can travel the world and achieve blissful happiness! How to multiply your happiness in every situation! Escape misery and suffering |