Admiration From Afar: Red Carnation
Adoration: Dwarf Sunflower, White Camellia
Affection: Morning Glory, Thorn-less Rose, Violet, Magenta Zinnia
Affections Returned: Jonquil
Anger: Peony, Petunias
Ardent Love: Red Camellia
Atonement: Star of Bethlehem
Balance: Begonia
Banishing: Pennyroyal, Rhododendron
Beauty: Calla Lily, Lilac, Narcissus, Orchid, Red Rose, Rosebud, White Camellia
Being Forsaken: Anemone
Binding: Pomegranate Blossom
Birth: Lily
Bliss: Bridal Rose
Care of the Young: Cinquefoil
Charisma: Yellow Tulip
Changeability: Purple Carnation
Cheerfulness: Pansy
Childhood Reminiscence: Buttercup
Chivalry: Daffodil
Clairaudience: Snapdragon
Clarity of Thought: Daffodil
Compassion: Peony, Clover
Confinement: Venus Flytrap
Consideration: Orchid
Consistency: Blue Hyacinth
Consolation: White Poppy
Constancy: Scarlet Zinnia
Creation: Hibiscus
Creativity: Snapdragon, White Daisy
Cruelty Between Lovers: Marigold
Death: Morning Glory, Black Rose, Dried White Rose
Death and Rebirth: Morning Glory
Deception: Foxglove
Decisions: White Daisy
Declaration Of Love: Red Tulip
Declaration Of War: Belvedere, Tansy
Desire: Pink Camellia, Red Carnation, Jonquil, Coral Rose, Tea Rose
Desires Fulfilled: Jonquil
Desires That Never Come to Pass: Red Carnation
Despair: Marigold
Determination: Magnolia
Devotion: Heliotrope, Lavender
Differences: Aster
Dignity: Dahlia
Disappointment: Yellow Carnation
Disdain: Petunia
Dislike: Orange Lily
Distrust: Lavender
Divination: Jasmine, Mimosa, Pomegranate Blossom
Divinity: Lily
Dream Magick: Jasmine, Marigold
Dreams Coming to Fruition: Cactus
Enduring Desire: Tea Rose
Elegance: Cornflower, Pomegranate Blossom, Yellow Jasmine
Emotional Support: Gardenia
Enchantment: Eucharis Lily
Energy That Comes From Being In Love: Daffodil
Estrangement: Anemone
Eternal Rest: Poppy
Everlasting Joy: Pink Rose
Evil Thoughts: Marigold
Expectation: Anemone
Exorcism: Peony, White Rose
Faith: Iris, Passion Flower
Faithfulness: Clover
False Pride: Hydrangea
Feminine Energy: Hibiscus, Primrose
Ferocity: Wild Rose
Fertility: Orchid, Poppy, Pomegranate Blossom, Sunflower
Fidelity: Blue Violet, Magnolia, Marigold
First Love: Purple Lilac
Fleeting Wealth: Tall Sunflower
Flying: Poplar
Fondness: Indian Jasmine
Force of Will: Snapdragon
Formality: Narcissus
Fragile Beauty: Hibiscus
Fragility: Azalea
Friendship: Acacia Blossom, Passion Flower, Yellow Rose
Frigidity: Hydrangea
Frustrations Passing Away: Geranium
Games: Hyacinth
Gentleness Of Nature: Hyacinth
Glamoury: Eucharis Lily
Good Fortune: Apple Blossom, Bells of Ireland
Good Taste: Fuchsia
Goodness: White Zinnia
Grace: Pink Rose
Gratitude: Camellia, Yellow Lily
Happiness: Sunflower, Yellow Lily
Harmless Mischief: Pink Hyacinth, Red Hyacinth
Hatred: Orange Lily
Haunting Memories: Yellow Zinnia
Healing: Carnation, Geranium, Heather, Lavender, Red Rose, Sunflower
Healing From Within: Heather
Heavenly Journeys: Snowball
Heightened Awareness: Begonia, White Daisy
Hex Breaking (Uncrossing): Hydrangea
Hidden Love: Acacia Blossom
Honor: Lily
Hope: Iris
Hopeless Love: Yellow Tulip
Humility: Lily, Lily of the Valley, White Rose
Illness: Anemone
Image Magick: Variegated Tulip
Imagination: Poppy
Immediate Affection: Thorn-less Rose
Immortality: Heather, Peach Rose
Impending Death: Black Rose
Impulsive Acts Of Love: Spider Flower, White Violet
Impulsivity: Hyacinth
Incarceration: Pomegranate Blossom, Venus Fly Trap
Inconstancy: Evening Primrose
Indecision: Pink Rose
Indifference: Dogwood
Infatuation: Purple Lilac
Initiation: Heather
Inner Beauty: Daffodil
Inner Power: Dragon's Blood
Inner Sight: Lavender
Inner Strength: White Daisy
Innocence: Amaryllis, Baby’s Breath, White Lilac, White Rose, Rosebud
Inspiration For Love: Damask Rose
Instability: Dahlia
Invisibility: Poppy
Jealousy: Purple Hyacinth, Yellow Hyacinth, Marigold, Yellow Rose
Joy: Geranium, Lily of the Valley, Pink Rose, Yellow Rose
Lasting Affection: Magenta Zinnia
Learning Who Is Against You: Rhododendron
Legal Matters: Marigold
Lies: Yellow Lily
Lies About Money: Tall Sunflower
Links To The Past: Forget-me-not
Longevity: Marigold
Love: Lavender, Mimosa, Orchid, Periwinkle, Red Rose, Strawberry Blossom, Blue Violet, Jasmine, Red Chrysanthemum, Wisteria
Love At First Sight: Thorn-less Rose
Love Returned: Ambrosia
Love Secrets: Fuchsia
Luck: Bells of Ireland, Clover, Heather, Strawberry Blossom
Lust: Periwinkle, Tulip
Magick: Iris, Lavender, Lavender Rose
Magick and Energy For Pure Aims: Iris
Majesty: White Lily
Making Friends: Yellow Tulip
Marital Bliss: Yellow Tulip
Masculine Energy: Camellia, Green Rose
Material Wealth: Jasmine
Memories: Periwinkle, Yellow Zinnia
Memories Of Those Beyond Your Reach: Mixed Zinnia
Mental Powers: Periwinkle
Modesty: Violet, Baby's Breath, Yellow Jasmine
Money: Periwinkle, Yellow Poppy
Motherhood: Day Lily, Pussy Willow
Mourning: Dark Red Rose
Nobility: Edelweiss, Magnolia
Notoriety: Tulip
Oblivion: Poppy
Obsessive Love: Primrose, Hibiscus
Overcoming Grief: Hyacinth
Parental Love: Cinquefoil
Passion: Azalea, Rose
Peace: Cattail, Passion Flower, Pennyroyal
Perfection: Camellia, Pink Rose
Persistent Desire: Pink Camellia
Platonic Love: Acacia Blossom
Pleasure: Red Poppy
Pleasures That Inevitably Cause Pain: Tuberose
Power: Dragon's Blood, Rhododendron
Power To Overcome Enemies: Rhododendron
Prayers For Those In Need: White Hyacinth
Pride: Amaryllis, Lilac, Tiger Lily, Tall Sunflower
Prophecy: Dandelion
Prosperity: Cattail, Tiger Lily
Protection: Heather, White Heather, Hellebores, Hyssop, Lavender, Marigold, Mimosa, Pennyroyal, Peony, Periwinkle, Red Rose, Snapdragon, Wisteria
Protection From Violent Crimes And Theft: Heather
Psychic Ability: Begonia
Psychic Sensitivity: Violet
Pure Love: White Carnation
Purification: Gardenia, Hyssop, Lily, Mimosa
Purity: Baby’s Breath, Iris, White Lily
Rainmaking: Heather
Recollections: Periwinkle
Refusals of Love: Striped Carnation
Refinement: Cornflower, Dahlia, Gardenia, Orchid
Refreshing Love: Damask Rose
Regret: Purple Hyacinth
Rejection: Striped Carnation, Yellow Carnation
Relief: Christmas Rose
Remembrances: Forget-me-not
Resentment: Petunia
Respect: Daffodil, Red Rose
Retirement: Acacia Blossom
Returning Joy: Geranium
Romance: Tulip
Romantic Thoughts: Pansy
Ruthlessness: Hydrangea
Sadness: Purple Hyacinth
Scorned in Love: Yellow Chrysanthemum
Secrecy: White Rose
Secret Love: Gardenia, Mimosa, Motherwort, Pink Rose
Self-esteem: Buttercup, Carnation
Sensuality: Hibiscus, Spanish Jasmine, Tulip
Sentimental Love: Pink Carnation
Shame: Peony, Dark Red Rose
Shyness: Peony, Dark Red Rose
Silence: White Rose
Sincerity: Anemone
Sleep: Passion Flower, Poppy
Sociability: Lily of the Valley, White Jasmine, Yellow Tulip
Solitude: Purple Heather
Soothing: Water Lily
Spirit Magick: Dandelion
Spiritual Enthusiasm: Passion Flower
Spiritual Evolution: Dahlia
Spontaneity: Morning Glory
Stateliness: Foxglove
Stirring Up Agitation: Rhododendron
Strength: Pennyroyal, White Daisy
Strength Through Silence: Rose
Submission: Green Grass
Success: Yellow Poppy
Sunlight: Daffodil
Sympathy: Jonquil
Sweet Beauty: Baby's Breath
Symbolic Womanhood: Azalea
Temperance: Azalea
Ties Between Lovers: Honeysuckle
To Send A Warning: Begonia
True Beauty: Amaryllis
True Love: Carnation, Forget-me-not
Truth: White Chrysanthemum
Unconscious Beauty: Red Daisy
Un-reciprocated Love Magick: Pomegranate Blossom
Unrequited Love: Daffodil
Unsolicited Recognition: Red Primrose
Valor: Iris
Vanity: Daffodil, Narcissus
Variety: Aster
Verbal Communication: Buttercup
Virginity: Rosebud, White Lily
Virtue: Violet
Warding Off Inappropriate Suitors: Heather
Warmth: Hibiscus
Watcher Conjuration: Blue Violet
Wealth: Buttercup, Cactus, Jasmine, Tiger Lily, Pomegranate Blossom, Poplar, Tall Sunflower
Weather Working: Heather, Toadstool
Wisdom: Iris, Sunflower
Wish Magick: Dandelion, Sunflower, White Heather
Wonder: Orange Rose
Youth: Foxglove, Rosebud, White Lily