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Flowers By Power
                        FLOWERS BY POWER


Admiration From Afar: Red Carnation

Adoration: Dwarf Sunflower, White Camellia

Affection: Morning Glory, Thorn-less Rose, Violet, Magenta Zinnia

Affections Returned: Jonquil

Anger: Peony, Petunias

Ardent Love: Red Camellia

Atonement: Star of Bethlehem

Balance: Begonia

Banishing: Pennyroyal, Rhododendron

Beauty: Calla Lily, Lilac, Narcissus, Orchid, Red Rose, Rosebud, White Camellia

Being Forsaken: Anemone

Binding: Pomegranate Blossom

Birth: Lily

Bliss: Bridal Rose

Care of the Young: Cinquefoil

Charisma: Yellow Tulip

Changeability: Purple Carnation

Cheerfulness: Pansy

Childhood Reminiscence: Buttercup

Chivalry: Daffodil

Clairaudience: Snapdragon

Clarity of Thought: Daffodil

Compassion: Peony, Clover

Confinement: Venus Flytrap

Consideration: Orchid

Consistency: Blue Hyacinth

Consolation: White Poppy

Constancy: Scarlet Zinnia

Creation: Hibiscus

Creativity: Snapdragon, White Daisy

Cruelty Between Lovers: Marigold

Death: Morning Glory, Black Rose, Dried White Rose

Death and Rebirth: Morning Glory

Deception: Foxglove

Decisions: White Daisy

Declaration Of Love: Red Tulip

Declaration Of War: Belvedere, Tansy

Desire: Pink Camellia, Red Carnation, Jonquil, Coral Rose, Tea Rose

Desires Fulfilled: Jonquil

Desires That Never Come to Pass: Red Carnation

Despair: Marigold

Determination: Magnolia

Devotion: Heliotrope, Lavender

Differences: Aster

Dignity: Dahlia

Disappointment: Yellow Carnation

Disdain: Petunia

Dislike: Orange Lily

Distrust: Lavender

Divination: Jasmine, Mimosa, Pomegranate Blossom

Divinity: Lily

Dream Magick: Jasmine, Marigold

Dreams Coming to Fruition: Cactus

Enduring Desire: Tea Rose

Elegance: Cornflower, Pomegranate Blossom, Yellow Jasmine

Emotional Support: Gardenia

Enchantment: Eucharis Lily

Energy That Comes From Being In Love: Daffodil

Estrangement: Anemone

Eternal Rest: Poppy

Everlasting Joy: Pink Rose

Evil Thoughts: Marigold

Expectation: Anemone

Exorcism: Peony, White Rose

Faith: Iris, Passion Flower

Faithfulness: Clover

False Pride: Hydrangea

Feminine Energy: Hibiscus, Primrose

Ferocity: Wild Rose

Fertility: Orchid, Poppy, Pomegranate Blossom, Sunflower

Fidelity: Blue Violet, Magnolia, Marigold

First Love: Purple Lilac

Fleeting Wealth: Tall Sunflower

Flying: Poplar

Fondness: Indian Jasmine

Force of Will: Snapdragon

Formality: Narcissus

Fragile Beauty: Hibiscus

Fragility: Azalea

Friendship: Acacia Blossom, Passion Flower, Yellow Rose

Frigidity: Hydrangea

Frustrations Passing Away: Geranium

Games: Hyacinth

Gentleness Of Nature: Hyacinth

Glamoury: Eucharis Lily

Good Fortune: Apple Blossom, Bells of Ireland

Good Taste: Fuchsia

Goodness: White Zinnia

Grace: Pink Rose

Gratitude: Camellia, Yellow Lily

Happiness: Sunflower, Yellow Lily

Harmless Mischief: Pink Hyacinth, Red Hyacinth

Hatred: Orange Lily

Haunting Memories: Yellow Zinnia

Healing: Carnation, Geranium, Heather, Lavender, Red Rose, Sunflower

Healing From Within: Heather

Heavenly Journeys: Snowball

Heightened Awareness: Begonia, White Daisy

Hex Breaking (Uncrossing): Hydrangea

Hidden Love: Acacia Blossom

Honor: Lily

Hope: Iris

Hopeless Love: Yellow Tulip

Humility: Lily, Lily of the Valley, White Rose

Illness: Anemone

Image Magick: Variegated Tulip

Imagination: Poppy

Immediate Affection: Thorn-less Rose

Immortality: Heather, Peach Rose

Impending Death: Black Rose

Impulsive Acts Of Love: Spider Flower, White Violet

Impulsivity: Hyacinth

Incarceration: Pomegranate Blossom, Venus Fly Trap

Inconstancy: Evening Primrose

Indecision: Pink Rose

Indifference: Dogwood

Infatuation: Purple Lilac

Initiation: Heather

Inner Beauty: Daffodil

Inner Power: Dragon's Blood

Inner Sight: Lavender

Inner Strength: White Daisy

Innocence: Amaryllis, Baby’s Breath, White Lilac, White Rose, Rosebud

Inspiration For Love: Damask Rose

Instability: Dahlia

Invisibility: Poppy

Jealousy: Purple Hyacinth, Yellow Hyacinth, Marigold, Yellow Rose

Joy: Geranium, Lily of the Valley, Pink Rose, Yellow Rose

Lasting Affection: Magenta Zinnia

Learning Who Is Against You: Rhododendron

Legal Matters: Marigold

Lies: Yellow Lily

Lies About Money: Tall Sunflower

Links To The Past: Forget-me-not

Longevity: Marigold

Love: Lavender, Mimosa, Orchid, Periwinkle, Red Rose, Strawberry Blossom, Blue Violet, Jasmine, Red Chrysanthemum, Wisteria

Love At First Sight: Thorn-less Rose

Love Returned: Ambrosia

Love Secrets: Fuchsia

Luck: Bells of Ireland, Clover, Heather, Strawberry Blossom

Lust: Periwinkle, Tulip

Magick: Iris, Lavender, Lavender Rose

Magick and Energy For Pure Aims: Iris

Majesty: White Lily

Making Friends: Yellow Tulip

Marital Bliss: Yellow Tulip

Masculine Energy: Camellia, Green Rose

Material Wealth: Jasmine

Memories: Periwinkle, Yellow Zinnia

Memories Of Those Beyond Your Reach: Mixed Zinnia

Mental Powers: Periwinkle

Modesty: Violet, Baby's Breath, Yellow Jasmine

Money: Periwinkle, Yellow Poppy

Motherhood: Day Lily, Pussy Willow

Mourning: Dark Red Rose

Nobility: Edelweiss, Magnolia

Notoriety: Tulip

Oblivion: Poppy

Obsessive Love: Primrose, Hibiscus

Overcoming Grief: Hyacinth

Parental Love: Cinquefoil

Passion: Azalea, Rose

Peace: Cattail, Passion Flower, Pennyroyal

Perfection: Camellia, Pink Rose

Persistent Desire: Pink Camellia

Platonic Love: Acacia Blossom

Pleasure: Red Poppy

Pleasures That Inevitably Cause Pain: Tuberose

Power: Dragon's Blood, Rhododendron

Power To Overcome Enemies: Rhododendron

Prayers For Those In Need: White Hyacinth

Pride: Amaryllis, Lilac, Tiger Lily, Tall Sunflower

Prophecy: Dandelion

Prosperity: Cattail, Tiger Lily

Protection: Heather, White Heather, Hellebores, Hyssop, Lavender, Marigold, Mimosa, Pennyroyal, Peony, Periwinkle, Red Rose, Snapdragon, Wisteria

Protection From Violent Crimes And Theft: Heather

Psychic Ability: Begonia

Psychic Sensitivity: Violet

Pure Love: White Carnation

Purification: Gardenia, Hyssop, Lily, Mimosa

Purity: Baby’s Breath, Iris, White Lily

Rainmaking: Heather

Recollections: Periwinkle

Refusals of Love: Striped Carnation

Refinement: Cornflower, Dahlia, Gardenia, Orchid

Refreshing Love: Damask Rose

Regret: Purple Hyacinth

Rejection: Striped Carnation, Yellow Carnation

Relief: Christmas Rose

Remembrances: Forget-me-not

Resentment: Petunia

Respect: Daffodil, Red Rose

Retirement: Acacia Blossom

Returning Joy: Geranium

Romance: Tulip

Romantic Thoughts: Pansy

Ruthlessness: Hydrangea

Sadness: Purple Hyacinth

Scorned in Love: Yellow Chrysanthemum

Secrecy: White Rose

Secret Love: Gardenia, Mimosa, Motherwort, Pink Rose

Self-esteem: Buttercup, Carnation

Sensuality: Hibiscus, Spanish Jasmine, Tulip

Sentimental Love: Pink Carnation

Shame: Peony, Dark Red Rose

Shyness: Peony, Dark Red Rose

Silence: White Rose

Sincerity: Anemone

Sleep: Passion Flower, Poppy

Sociability: Lily of the Valley, White Jasmine, Yellow Tulip

Solitude: Purple Heather

Soothing: Water Lily

Spirit Magick: Dandelion

Spiritual Enthusiasm: Passion Flower

Spiritual Evolution: Dahlia

Spontaneity: Morning Glory

Stateliness: Foxglove

Stirring Up Agitation: Rhododendron

Strength: Pennyroyal, White Daisy

Strength Through Silence: Rose

Submission: Green Grass

Success: Yellow Poppy

Sunlight: Daffodil

Sympathy: Jonquil

Sweet Beauty: Baby's Breath

Symbolic Womanhood: Azalea

Temperance: Azalea

Ties Between Lovers: Honeysuckle

To Send A Warning: Begonia

True Beauty: Amaryllis

True Love: Carnation, Forget-me-not

Truth: White Chrysanthemum

Unconscious Beauty: Red Daisy

Un-reciprocated Love Magick: Pomegranate Blossom

Unrequited Love: Daffodil

Unsolicited Recognition: Red Primrose

Valor: Iris

Vanity: Daffodil, Narcissus

Variety: Aster

Verbal Communication: Buttercup

Virginity: Rosebud, White Lily

Virtue: Violet

Warding Off Inappropriate Suitors: Heather

Warmth: Hibiscus

Watcher Conjuration: Blue Violet

Wealth: Buttercup, Cactus, Jasmine, Tiger Lily, Pomegranate Blossom, Poplar, Tall Sunflower

Weather Working: Heather, Toadstool

Wisdom: Iris, Sunflower

Wish Magick: Dandelion, Sunflower, White Heather

Wonder: Orange Rose

Youth: Foxglove, Rosebud, White Lily

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Learn How to Tap the Enormous Power of Your Subconscious Mind  
  You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.
This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.
This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fundamental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement.
In its simplest terms, it is called the "subconscious mind," although this is a misunderstanding because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences.
Learn How to Influence People With Your Mind  
  It has long been suspected that your right cerebral hemisphere, when in the alpha state, operates in a realm where time and space are of no consequence. What you think affects others... and what others think affects you!
It is rather like the invisible connection between the earth's magnetic field and every magnetic compass on earth. They are interconnected. If the earth's magnetic field were to suddenly shift then every compass in existence would swing in unison.

Likewise, if you suddenly move a magnetic compass, or any magnet for that matter, this movement will have a slight effect on the earth's entire magnetic field. Admittedly this would be so small as to be immeasurable but it would still be there.
Discover the Advanced Secrets of True Magical Powe  
  Magic is an ancient tool that is powered by the desire and drive to connect with the universe through nature and influence the surrounding environment. It is also a tool that is used to achieve one's goals and dreams. There are many different forms of magic and magical practices, but they are all connected by similar basic principals. Separateness is just an illusion or misconception. It is through the realization of this or the path to the complete realization of this truth that true magic power is attained.

This power is something that is always there. It permeates everything and is the source of all things. When we channel or claim this power, we are simply recognizing or realizing what is already there. The true realization of this power is not simply knowing about it. It involves accepting and understanding the truth of it on a much deeper level of the psyche. Our thoughts and emotions are patterns of energy and how we form those patterns determines how we utilize this source of power within our lives.
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