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Crystals |
Used for healing serpent bites and insect stings. Strength, courage. Compels truth, promotes manners, happiness, intelligence, prosperity, longevity, fertility, and good health.
Ambition, magnetic. Electrically alive with solidified golden light. Emits powerful amount of heat and light. Powerful healing stone with large amount of organic energy. In ancient times, ground to a powder and mixed with honey or oil of roses for various physical problems. Filters germs and infections and has the power to disinfect. Worn around the neck to help fight infection and respiratory diseases. Lifts the spirits. --Golden yellow stone
Stone of Venus. Assists those to maintain faithfulness, gives wearer the gift of tongues, Increases spiritual awareness, has calming and soothing influence, has ability to transmute negative into positive, very effective as a healing stone. Has ability to prophesy, and wards off drunkenness. Warmed and placed on the forehead and temples, it is good for headaches. Has the ability to draw through it forces directed towards the body and repels vibrations which the body doesn't need, thus releasing only the energy patterns beneficial to the body. Best worn in healing near the heart center. Calming and protective, aids meditation,. aids in purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness. Calming, grounding, a cleanser and spiritual stimulator, strengthens heart, cleanses liver of toxins, excellent for lung problems.-Purple ranging from light to dark
Assists inspiration, favorable for travelers; helps to protect against accidents. Calms nervous tension. Calming effects of the sea. Used to help banish fears and phobias. Soothing and cleansing. Powerful aid to happiness in marriage. --Light blue clear stone
Increases perception and creative insight. Stimulates opportunity and motivation. Soothes emotions, used for the heart and heartache, for acceptance of self and others, for inner peace.
Powerful healing stone, invokes spiritual guidance, opens psychic eye. Good for dreams and improving psychic ability.
A favorite for healing and strength. Soldiers of old wore it in battle, believing it had the power to stop bleeding. Stimulates flow of energy for healing blood circulation, stops hemorrhaging. Removes emotional blockages. A talisman for warding off all accidents and disease, especially suitable for men. --Red stone
Worn to increase the feeling of self-confidence and the ability to fight through difficulties.
Brings owner joy. Gives protection and energy. --Orange-red stone
Emits steady serene flow of light. Tranquilizing. Soothes emotions, will help tranquilize many forms of neurosis, used to absorb or deflect unwanted energies. --Translucent apple green stone
Enables self-esteem. Stimulates openness and awakening of the mind. Aid to the digestive system. Helps eliminate toxins. Encourages tremendous healing on the emotional and mental levels, helps unblock subconscious fears, and serves as a natural relaxant. -Pale yellow clear stone
Promises a long and happy married life, protects a child from evil influences, and safeguards the teenager during the highly emotional period. Balances physical energy and relaxes tensions. Carries the creative vibrations of the sea. --Various colors
Wish Stone, is highly favorable to health, long life, and good fortune. Its special virtue is the fulfillment of one's wishes if the stone is worn near the heart.
A symbol of bravery and strength, and also one of the emblems of innocence. An antidote against pestilence.
Helps women attract a true love, and men to attract a loving wife. Promotes creativity, stimulates perception and insight, and strengthen memory. Beneficial effect on the eyes. Also an excellent preservative against decay, arrests dysentery, and heals bites from venomous animals. --Green clear stone with a hint of blue
Considered a good luck piece. Also called Fairy Gem. Manifests innermost wishes. Promotes well being; enhances concentration and meditation. Powerful spirit guide. Opens and softens the way for the use of other stones. Excellent used in aquariums-provides needed minerals. Charge on windowsill at night. --Varies in different shades of purples and greens. Identified by the bands of color seen within the stone.
Wards off inflammatory diseases, promotes healthy and cheery disposition. Balances hormones, good for mental depression, enhances self-esteem, alleviates bad dreams, and encourages success in business. Thought to assist in seeing into past incarnations. Will ensure consistency in friendship and love, preserve health, and is generally fortunate. Vitality and passion. Stimulates happiness, peace, balance, patience, inspiration, persistence, good for rebirth, menstruation and life passages, disorders, fertility, eases arthritis pain. -Ranges from orange-red to pink-red
Very strong stone; absorbs negativity. Gives optimism and courage. Calming to the emotions. Worn as an amulet confer strength and procure favorable legal judgments. In Egypt, used to reduce inflammation and treat hysteria. Considered to be a grounding stone. Helps maintain balance between body, mind, and spirit. Use for fevers, alleviates worry and anxiety as it allows for mental clarity, known as the "worry stone". --Heavy black metallic stone.
Balancing special variety of quartz crystal. "Diamond" works with yin/yang energies, known as the "Dream Crystal", aids in bringing teachings of the dream state into conscious awareness, very highly attuned spiritually.
Renders the wearer extremely fascinating and strengthens the heart. Used for melancholy.
A most sacred stone and a symbol of divine revelation. Brings good fortune and health to its owner. Stimulates practicality, wisdom, and universal attunement. Thought to provide a link between the spiritual and the mundane. Most revered by the Chinese. --Creamy green stone
Safeguard personal independence, said to bring inspirational warnings when there is danger of unfair domination from others. balance emotions and stress. Aid and comfort during periods of female distress. One stone worn about the neck and another around the waist.
Prized for its prophetic virtues. Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, & psychic experiences, healing and strengthening when worn next to the skin. Strengthens mind and body to spiritual awareness. --Royal blue in color with flecks of real gold.
Powerful healer.
Called a magic stone, favorable for travelers, missionaries, and other adventurers. Used as a child's talisman to sleep soundly & protect from bad dreams. Stimulates clear vision and insight, represents hope and inner peace, believed to protect from danger. Increases abundance in all areas of life. This stone supposedly has equal amounts of negative and positive forces, thereby adding to the balance of physical and spiritual life. Used to release repressed emotions and for physical detoxing. --Brilliant shades of green, very apparent in bands of shades
Aid in bringing forth memories of past lives, carried as a good luck piece. Brings good fortune. Reflects the wearers being and feelings. Promotes unselfishness. Opens the heart to humanitarian love and hope. Good for protection while traveling on water. Gives clarity to spiritual understanding. Good for pre-menstrual symptoms and balancing to the reproductive system. Used to ease childbirth. Sometimes called the Queen of the Heavens stone. Calming effect on emotions. Eases menstrual pain, alleviates many degenerative conditions in the skin, hair, eyes, and body fluids (tears, digestive juices). --Translucent milky stone with color tints ranging from white-yellow to blue.-gray
Assists in making and keeping friends, helpful to farmers and those interested in growing plants. Moss Agates considered to be most powerful. Aid in restoration of energy, used in healing, and believed to bring wearer happiness, wealth, health, and long life. Increases ability to ward off self-induced anger and inner bitterness. Moss green-balances emotional energy. Moss red-balances physical energy. Blue lace-gives tranquillity. --Translucent stone with flecks of green.
Black- Used to sharpen both the internal and external.
Preserves against the bites of snakes and venomous insects, and assists in bringing marital happiness. When certain persons wear it, may bring on terrible shapes to a dreamer, from which the future can be divined. Will ground spiritual energy to physical plane. Deep black color.
An unlucky stone which can interfere with love and marriage unless one was born between September 23rd and November 21. To these people it will give second sight, or clairvoyance, and prevent contagion from the air. --Generally white but various color range depending of variety. Identified by brilliant sparkling effect
Worn as a necklace, make the wearer chaste. Stimulates feminine qualities, used to focus attention, helps pull together mental and spiritual forces, peace of mind. Represents purity, modesty, & gentleness. A very lucky stone for those born in June.
Dispels fears, guilt, and depression. Used to counteract negative emotions and healing of the spirit. Once worn as a means of gaining foresight and divine inspiration. Protection, prosperity, emotional calming, purifies, balances. --Light green clear stone
Clear Powerful tool for the New Age. used to ground and center while attuning to higher spiritual energies, in healing work used to disperse congested energies.
Enhances mental capacity and attracts money to owner. Has protecting, shielding aspect for physical, mental, emotional levels. Shields from negative energy, strengthens circulatory system, clears oxygen in the blood.--Also known as fool's gold
Amplifies healing energy. Used to help draw out pain. Able to tap into energies of the universe. Good stone for meditating on. Very potent and often worn to protect from negative vibrations. Cleanse regularly. Rudilated-rutile needles help focus attention.
Strengthens will. --Same as Pyrite in rainbow coloration
Adds courage, will, passion to the loving heart vibration. Represents love of God. --Milky pink stone with definition
Used to activate love. Attracts or keeps a loving partner. --Pink stone with black highlights -very defined
Worn or carried for love, fidelity, peace, and happy marriage. Aids intuition and emotional balance. Reduces stress and tension - cools hot tempers. Vibrations of universal love & inner serenity. Comforts heart from all wounds, helps heal emotional pain, enhances love , self-love, positive outlook, joy and oneness. --Light to medium milky pink color
The stone of freedom, charity, dignity and divine power. Increases vigor, renews vitality and cleanses the blood. The stone of courage. Helps banish grief for those in mourning. -- generally deep red with orange or pink undertone
Good for calming the mind. Eases depression, fear and panic.
Teaches one the truth of oneself in relation to ones ego, depicts the contrasts of life-day and night, darkness and light, truth and error. Grounds spiritual energy to physical plane. Absorbs negativity. --Black stone with lacy highlights of white
Alleviates fears, Clears the mind. --Blue with flecks
Calms emotions, protects against external stresses. To restore physical energy & quiet emotional nature.
Will make melancholy vanish when worn or carried in the left hand. Calms emotions, protects against external stresses. To restore physical energy & quiet emotional nature. Protects against insomnia and depression, mood elevator, revitalizes, stimulates creative thinking processes, eases death. --Clear gold stone (deeper color than amber)
Supercharged with magnetic and electric energy. Lifts fears and negative conditions. Causes the wearer to be flexible, understanding and more objective in purpose and reason. Electric and magnetic properties. Works as protective shield, consumes negative energy without releasing into atmosphere, has to do with visions and "seeing" with compassion,, teaches to expand limited concepts of thinking, relates to aspirations for higher love, very complete stone.. --Various shades of pink and green. Some stones will have both colors.
Helps ward off danger and clears one's path of pitfalls. Protector against evil. Self-love stone. Primary holy stone of Native Americans. Vibrates calming radiations, protective, and restores healthy mental attitude. Stone of friendship. Balancing and healing. Great strength and vitality. Takes on characteristics of the wearer. It is unwise to wear a turquoise formerly worn by one who has died. excellent for both Spiritual attunement and healing of the energy centers and the physical body, valuable for grounding as well as for vision quests and astral travel , purifies all levels of being and is capable of handling strong negativity, also used for wounds and for damage to bones. --Shades of blue, ranging from deep sky blue to greenish Chinese turquoise.
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Learn How to Tap the Enormous Power of Your Subconscious Mind |
You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.
This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.
This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fundamental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement.
In its simplest terms, it is called the "subconscious mind," although this is a misunderstanding because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences. |
Learn How to Influence People With Your Mind |
It has long been suspected that your right cerebral hemisphere, when in the alpha state, operates in a realm where time and space are of no consequence. What you think affects others... and what others think affects you!
It is rather like the invisible connection between the earth's magnetic field and every magnetic compass on earth. They are interconnected. If the earth's magnetic field were to suddenly shift then every compass in existence would swing in unison.
Likewise, if you suddenly move a magnetic compass, or any magnet for that matter, this movement will have a slight effect on the earth's entire magnetic field. Admittedly this would be so small as to be immeasurable but it would still be there. |
Discover the Advanced Secrets of True Magical Powe |
Magic is an ancient tool that is powered by the desire and drive to connect with the universe through nature and influence the surrounding environment. It is also a tool that is used to achieve one's goals and dreams. There are many different forms of magic and magical practices, but they are all connected by similar basic principals. Separateness is just an illusion or misconception. It is through the realization of this or the path to the complete realization of this truth that true magic power is attained.
This power is something that is always there. It permeates everything and is the source of all things. When we channel or claim this power, we are simply recognizing or realizing what is already there. The true realization of this power is not simply knowing about it. It involves accepting and understanding the truth of it on a much deeper level of the psyche. Our thoughts and emotions are patterns of energy and how we form those patterns determines how we utilize this source of power within our lives.
Unlock the limitless potential of your mind! Yes the millionaire's mind is yours with this simple secret! You'll be overwhelmed by your new-found powers to attract money from everyone around the world! (Financial independence has never been SO EASY!) Discover the most highly guarded secret of all times! Achieve absolute freedom! Yes, you can travel the world and achieve blissful happiness! How to multiply your happiness in every situation! Escape misery and suffering |