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Auras |
Auras: Definition & How to See
Skeptics have insisted on many occasions that anyone who can see an aura must have bad eyesight. This, of course, is inaccurate. Energy currents have been proven in many studies and are accepted as fact in many cultures around the world. It is only here in the west that we have come to see as real only what we have already proven. But science of electricity was not a fantasy before Edison invented the light bulb. It was just beyond our scope of understanding. So are auras beyond most people. Just because everyone can't an aura, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The wind is invisible but it does exist.
Do you imagine that we see the hundred thousandth part of what exists? Consider, for example, the wind. The wind whistles, groans, bellows, sometimes even kills. Have you seen it?
--Guy de Maupassant, The Horla
An Aura is a field of energy surrounding every living thing including people, plants, animals and even some inanimate objects that have picked up energy from their environment or the living creatures in it. Many people see auras most easily in dim light. They appears to the eye and to special cameras as a field of colored light that differs for each individual. Also, the aura of a creature can change throughout the day as energy levels and mood change. The different colors indicate many things about the individual. Current health, emotions, stress and personality are all clearly marked on a person's body through this unique field of energy. There are many auric readers who can help a person determine problems with their health, deep-seeded psychological issues that clients are unaware of as well as other challenges that they face.
Reading auras is not so easy that you should expect to do it the first time you try. This incorrect assumption is part of the reason why so many people are skeptical of auric readings and Kirilian Photography. From the vantage point of many readers there are at least 6 types of auras which exist on separate planes of existence: ETHERIC (Physical), MENTAL (Emotional), ASTRAL (Spiritual). The etheric body of your aura is the easiest to see. This is usually what first-time readers see.
To begin, sit in low light (not darkness). Dusk or dawn are both perfect times. Relax your eyes and allow your mind to wander to calm thoughts. Try to focus on happy memories from your past rather than things you have to get done in the present time. This will inhibit your mind's ability to open to this different way of seeing.
When your mind is calm, look at your hand. If you can't see a halo of colored light around your skin, don't assume you will never be able to see it. Instead imagine a force field of colors extending a few inches around your skin, like a second skin. Turn your hand over and imagine the force field in three dimensions. You are not kidding yourself by doing this imagining exercise. You are training your mind to accept what it is not used to seeing. Low light is essential to seeing auras for the same reason that night time is essential to seeing the moon in the sky. If too much light from the sun is present, it blinds us to the moon's presence. So too does an aura become invisible in too much light.
In time and with practice (probably when you least expect it) you will see an aura on yourself or someone else. Once this happens, you are ready to interpret what you see. Consider the following colors when studying the aura of a living or non-living thing:
- Black
Current Illness, Suffering from a Curse, Hex or Spirit Possession, Engendering Strong Negative Feelings Such as Hatred, Angry, Confused, Destructive to Self and Others, In Mourning, Experiencing a Grave Loss, Excessively Abstinent, Absorbing Too Much Energy, May Qualify as a Psychic Vampire from Leeching Energy from Others.
- Blue
Truthful, Peaceful, Communicative, Tranquil, Adept with Dream Magick, Prophetic, Friendly, Protective, Hopeful.
- Dark Blue
Impulsive, Meditative, Depressed at Times, Capable of Deep Meditations, Strong Capability for Astral Work, Changeable and Mobile.
- Light Blue
Peaceful, Friendly, Patience, Tranquil, Good Listener, Communicator and Understanding of Others, Can Be Too Introverted.
- Brown
Strong Connection to Nature, Uncertainty, Strong Connected to Animal, Currently Grounding Energy that is No Longer Useful, Strong Affinity to the Home, Ability to Locate Lost Objects, Tendency to Hesitate.
- Gold
High Yang Energy, Attractive, Persuasive to Others, Confident, Charming, Wealthy, Powerful, Capable of Increasing Whatever They Wish, High Spirituality.
- Gray
Neutral Energy, Sign of Stagnation, Sign of Impending Ill Health. Client may also be currently Grounding and/or Deflecting Negative Energy, Possession or Psychic Attack from Another Person or Spirit.
- Green
Strong Connection to Nature, Successful, Inner Beauty, Fertile, Healthy, Financially Sound, Prosperous, Strong Yang Energy, Rejuvenating to Self and Others.
- Orange
Successful, Creative, Lucky, Attractive to Others, Socially Stable, Adaptability to Many Different Environments, Stimulating, Healthy, Capable of Giving Off Healing Energy.
- Pink
Loving, A Good Friend to Others, Romantic, Faithful, Honorable, Strong Yin Energy, Decency, Moral.
- Purple
Psychically Capable from Birth, Wise, Connected to or Aware of Spirits, Independence, Strong Capability with Divination, Spiritually Evolved, Rich in Psychic Power, Healthy, Strong Yin Energy.
- Red
Lustful, Powerful, Vital, Strong, Courageous, High Yang Energy, Potent Physically, Healthy, Energetic, Emotional, Magnetic, Willful, Vigorous.
- Silver
Stabilized Soul, Psychically Protected, Angelic or Spiritually Bound to a Powerful Entity, Protected from Supernatural and Psychic Entities.
- White
Pure in Spirit, Truthful, At Peace Within Oneself, Protected, Connected to High Spirits or Angels, Healthy, Sincere, Spiritual.
- Yellow
Charm, Confidence, Persuasion, Energy, Attraction, Jealously, Wisdom, Visions, Psychic Powers, Mental Magick and Comprehension.
1. Birth links us closely with the body, mind and auras of our mothers. The general consensus among experts is that this auric bond remains between a mother and her child for seven to ten years. Mothers need to keep this tangible connection in mind when allowing unnecessary separations from their children. The children (as well as the mother) will experience an energy drain as a result of long periods apart. The same can be true with fathers as well, however the time a child spends in the womb, feeding of its mother's auric energy creates a bond that can be more damaging if broken too soon.
2. Negative emotions such as anger, resentment, jealousy may seem to be invisible from the outside world, but these emotions are not hidden from everyone. To people gifted with auric reading skills, your emotions might as well be a stain on your shirt. Take caution to keep negative thoughts from over-coming you. They may not be as harmless as you think.
3. When spending time with certain people, you may recall having been drained by the time you finally part. This can happen at work, at a party, on a bus or plane. It can happen with a loved one or even with a total stranger with whom you've never spoken. This is called psychic vampirism. It has nothing to do with the mythical Dracula-style vampire character. It means that someone is sucking energy in rather than releasing or trading it equitably. This is bad because the individual is likely addicted to other people's energy while unable to share in a stable relationship. Symptoms of this phenomenon are a feeling of oppression, depression, melancholy, fear or general discomfort. You can deflect the leech attempts by imagining a porous shield around yourself. You can also imagine a mirror to reflect their intrusive energy back at them or you can use the old stand by: imagine a field of white light radiating out of yourself. White energy is not well used by all psychic vampires, though a few can tolerate it long enough to invade your space and steal energy from you. Physically, you can also take the following steps when you are around a psychic "leech": sit with your hands folded, clasp your own hands together or simply cross your arms. Be sure to keep both feet flat on the ground so that you are making contact with the earth. Even if there is carpet or some other surface between you and the soil, you will still be able to feed your energy into the earth. In this position, the leech can't steal from your energy stores. This posture creates a closed circuit between you and the earth. Your energy can only move through you and back to its source. The leech is thus, shut out.
4. Look not only to interpret the colors you see but the ones you don't see. If you are missing the color red, then perhaps you need to improve your health, confidence or zest for life. Learn the colors of theChakras and strengthen the positions that correspond to the missing colors with the instructions provided. A balanced aura is one that has as many colors as possible. Do your best to have a well-rounded aura to ensure a balanced body, mind and soul.
5. When seen in full around a person's whole body, the aura should appear almost like an egg. Breaks, misshapen spots, tears or other flaws can indicate inner emotional, mental, physical or spiritual despair or health problems. Look for gray or black areas that cover certain parts of your body. This will help you learn of hidden or not so hidden illnesses.
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Learn How to Tap the Enormous Power of Your Subconscious Mind |
You have available to you, right now, a power like a supercomputer that can enable you to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.
This power has been used throughout history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment. And it can do the same for you.
This power has been called many things by many people in many places. It is the fundamental principle of most religions, philosophies and metaphysical teachings. It underlies much of psychology and is the cornerstone of all success and achievement.
In its simplest terms, it is called the "subconscious mind," although this is a misunderstanding because the true subconscious mind is merely a memory bank of senses and impressions that reacts automatically based on your previous experiences. |
Learn How to Influence People With Your Mind |
It has long been suspected that your right cerebral hemisphere, when in the alpha state, operates in a realm where time and space are of no consequence. What you think affects others... and what others think affects you!
It is rather like the invisible connection between the earth's magnetic field and every magnetic compass on earth. They are interconnected. If the earth's magnetic field were to suddenly shift then every compass in existence would swing in unison.
Likewise, if you suddenly move a magnetic compass, or any magnet for that matter, this movement will have a slight effect on the earth's entire magnetic field. Admittedly this would be so small as to be immeasurable but it would still be there. |
Discover the Advanced Secrets of True Magical Powe |
Magic is an ancient tool that is powered by the desire and drive to connect with the universe through nature and influence the surrounding environment. It is also a tool that is used to achieve one's goals and dreams. There are many different forms of magic and magical practices, but they are all connected by similar basic principals. Separateness is just an illusion or misconception. It is through the realization of this or the path to the complete realization of this truth that true magic power is attained.
This power is something that is always there. It permeates everything and is the source of all things. When we channel or claim this power, we are simply recognizing or realizing what is already there. The true realization of this power is not simply knowing about it. It involves accepting and understanding the truth of it on a much deeper level of the psyche. Our thoughts and emotions are patterns of energy and how we form those patterns determines how we utilize this source of power within our lives.
Unlock the limitless potential of your mind! Yes the millionaire's mind is yours with this simple secret! You'll be overwhelmed by your new-found powers to attract money from everyone around the world! (Financial independence has never been SO EASY!) Discover the most highly guarded secret of all times! Achieve absolute freedom! Yes, you can travel the world and achieve blissful happiness! How to multiply your happiness in every situation! Escape misery and suffering |