3b244962.gif moving dragon image by dimond142000yuiyu.gif moving dragon image by Duelstrike

Spells, white magic, ceremonial magic, incantations, candle magic,black magic, conjuration's, and invocations. It's all here to help

you through life. If you believe in the power of Magic your dreams can

come true. So be it! We all have needs in life and Magic can help

fulfill those needs. Whether it be power, money, fame, revenge, love or

hate... the universe can be bent to our will and it can all be achieved with

spells and magic. Remember these things are not granted to those who

Dabble and pretend to be that which they are not. Those of you whom

"Dabble" will pay the Piper.



 3b244962.gif moving dragon image by dimond142000   reddragon.gif moving dragon image by Vicemarc        

Members get the most reliable results if they first enter their full real names and birthdate into their profile During registration. This information is never displayed anywhere, it is only used for Numerology and Tarot readings when you despirately need certain wish to be fulfilled. I will use this information to consult the Numerology and Tarot sections of this website and try to answer your question based on the results i receive.